Are you being as productive as you could be?
Are you using the time available to create a revenue stream or is your time consisting of “busy work” that isn’t truly growing your business?
In this post, I want to help you be more productive. Here are 7 productivity tips for network marketing business owners.
Productivity Tips #1: Make A Priority List
It is time to sit down with a pad and pencil and start listing out daily, weekly, monthly and yearly tasks.
Now, number the most important (must be done) tasks. This is a priority list. Now put a star next to the tasks you know you can do and a question mark next to the ones you may be weak in.
Now you have a list of your priority tasks that must be done. And the ones you are weak in, I suggest you consider either delegating or outsourcing those tasks.
Productivity Tips #2: Make Boundaries For The “Stuff”
Okay, I know you want to check your email, post on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, etc…
That’s cool, but there is no reason you need to open these sites every hour. You need to make boundaries.
I suggest twice per day and no more than ½ hour going through all of them.
If the temptation is too much, there are various apps that will help you control your social media and email visits. Here is an article that tells you some great apps to help.
Productivity Tips #3: Automate As Much As You Can
There are many great tools and software that can help you automate a lot of your processes…
- Social media posting
- Marketing email
- and even training systems
Remember, the more you can automate, the more time you will have to work on other areas.
Productivity Tips #4: Set Up A Distraction-Free Home Office
Distractions and productivity are like oil and water; they don’t mix!
You need a home office that is away from the kids, television, pets, etc… Now, I do know that no matter what, there will be some distractions. But the more you can eliminate or “lighten,” the more productive you will be.
Productivity Tips #5: Do It Now!
Procrastination is one of the biggest enemies of home based business owners.
If you know something needs to be done, but you hear a little voice telling you to just drink a beer and watch some television, don’t listen!
That voice will destroy your business if you let it. Do it now! There will be time later for the beer and T.V.
Productivity Tips #6: Manage Your Finances In A More Competent Way
Another huge “time-taker” for network marketing business owners is the management of their finances and budget.
Sometimes it can be overwhelming!
To give you a helping hand, a few years ago, we developed an app that helps you track income in and payments out. When taxes are coming up, everything you need is at your fingertips. No more digging through files and cardboard boxes full of receipts.
Check out how the Expense Tracker can help you by clicking here.
Productivity Tips #7: Take Care Of #1
I have noticed a common denominator… People who are not taking care of themselves physically, mentally and emotionally are the ones who slip in the productivity category.
Make time for your personal well being.
- Exercise
- Eat healthy
- Sleep properly
- Take vacations
- Read books
- Have family time
You will find that you are much more productive when you take care of #1.
Do not let productivity be a “fleeting thought.” Gear yourself to produce results and you will!
Each and every day, you must take action and the great results will follow.
By joining Rocket Recruiting, our team can help you be productive and realize fantastic business growth. Just scroll to the top and click Sign Up Now.
If you have any questions, just post them below.
Have a great day and let’s take your network marketing business…